79 Years on: The story of Sidney Bates VC

Corporal Sidney Bates is the only Victoria Cross holder (Great Britain’s highest armed forces award for bravery) commemorated on the British Normandy Memorial.

He died 79 years ago aged 23 – on 8 August 1944. His nephew Chris Bates has generously shared his Uncle’s story with the Trust, initially in 2019.  You can watch the narrated video here.

To mark the 79 years of his passing, has shared with us ‘Sid’s last letter home’ and further information about his late Uncle, as told by Sid’s sister-in-law Maudie (Chris’ mother). The story is available to read here.

Ahead of the anniversary of Sid’s death, Chris also visited the Memorial for the first time and shared this picture and his first impressions:


“A superb Memorial bringing all of our young lads and lasses together who gave their lives so that we may have ours. I was overwhelmed with pride and emotion just to stand amongst the thousands of names of all of these heroes. Thank you never seems enough.”

Rest in peace, Sid.




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