Thank you for visiting the British Normandy Memorial. We invite you to leave a message in our virtual visitor book, which will then appear on this page. You can do this by emailing contact@britishnormandymemorial.org.

Louise Terry

A truly moving and poignant reminder of those who fell for our freedom. The standing with giants memorial takes your breath away. It is truly magnificent.
Louise and Jude from Wales xx

Paul Milnes

Last weekend was the 3rd time I have visited the memorial since it opened. It is a very moving experience on a normal visit but with the inclusion of the walking with Giants display it is awesome. Can they be left in place or reinstalled each spring? If not then my advice to anyone thinking of going is go now. I will keep visiting and watch this wonderful memorial mature with the passing years unlike those it is for.

James Vincent Cassidy

We, his four surviving nieces, Susan, Margaret, Helen and Pauline, visited the Memorial in September 2024 to remember our uncle, James Vincent Cassidy, as well as visiting his grave in the War Cemetery in Cambes en Plaine, on what would have been his 100th birthday on 10 September.

He was a member of the Lancashire Fusiliers and died on 8 July 1944, two months before his 21st birthday. He was born in Liverpool - the eldest son of John Christopher and Margaret Cassidy, and brother to John, Mary, Kathleen, Thomas and Sheila.

He is always remembered by his family.

His name is registered on plinth 142 on what is such a beautiful memorial to those who gave their lives for our freedom and their sacrifice should never be forgotten.

Pt . John R Cowley , 2nd Btn Royal Warwicks

On this day 6th June - the 80th D-Day Anniversary - we remember you , who fought for our freedom , never forgotten .
Although we never met you are always remembered in our hearts and minds.

Chris Tyrer

My family and I visited my Uncle’s grave at Hermanville sur Mer last summer. Lieutenant W. H. S Tyrer died on 26 July 1944. We then visited the memorial for the first time and were so moved by the experience. It is a truly fitting tribute to all those who gave their lives and will serve as an important reminder for generations to come

David Down

My Father, Thomas J Down landed at Arromanches about 7 days after the first troops. lHe was a motor cycle despatch rider with RASC. He was primarily attached to Montgomery’s HQ which he served from Normandy through the advance to Hanover

His younger Brother was attached to an artillery unit and came ashore on Juno Beach early on 7 June 1944. He should have landed on 6 June but congestion delayed matters.

Fortunately both survived to live long lives and my biggest regret was not speaking to either of them at greater length about their time and experiences.

They considered themselves fortunate to get through unscathed but always had memories of fellow servicemen who did not. This wonderful memorial is for the hero’s who were lost in both Normandy and subsequently.

Robert GC Blyth

I was delighted to be able to visit the memorial on 18 August 2021 en route back to the UK from Charente, and to see my uncle’s name engraved on pillar 195 (Robert Blyth, KOSB, 3066196, died 19 July 1944).  Huge thanks to all, for the enormous work that has gone into this wonderful memorial to the many thousands who gave their lives for the liberation of France & Europe, not least to those who have no known grave.

I have regularly visited the cemetery at Douvres where my uncle is buried, but this new memorial pays both collective and individual tribute on a broader canvas.

Thanks also for publishing his story from the information that my sister has provided.

Isobel McIlwraith

On August 29th we visited the memorial to find the record of my mother's uncle, Francis Alan Shore who died on 13th June 1944, which we did.  It is a beautiful place.

Peter and Jenny Jay

It has taken almost two years for us to get to see my father's name. We intended to come for the official opening. Last year we attended the virtual opening at the National Memorial in pouring rain but here we are today on a beautiful day to see this awe inspiring sight. We have taken many photos and will come back tomorrow later in the day to combat the bright sunshine!

It is true - they do not grow old  - my father is still 29 and I feel very much like the child I was.

Julie Azar (nee Stott)

We were in Normandy to visit my Uncles grave at Hermanville Sur Mer Cemetery so naturally we’re looking forward to paying our respects at the new memorial.

My Uncle on Pillar 20. ( Anthony STOTT 14288058 GNR Royal Artillery died 7th June 1944 Age 21).

What a truly moving experience and fitting memorial to all the fallen heroes who died so young.  Overlooking the sea facing Sword beach it is a beautiful tranquil peaceful place.

They Shall not grow old,as we that are left grow old
Age Shall not weary them
Nor years condemn
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them

Jon & Linda Adams

I have never been so moved , a place of remembrance that will forever remind the younger generation the price of freedom.

Michael Mart

I have just returned from a visit to the Normandy Beaches. Spent a few days visiting the Beaches, various memorial sites & museums. The highlight was my visit to the British Normandy Memorial. 

A very impressive site . The design, layout and the atmosphere you can feel there with the "beach" as a backdrop was amazing. 

Mags Adams

Brilliant elegant tribute to those who gave us our freedom.
Recognition for all those who perished, long overdue.
The gardens are maturing well.

Andy Dotrice

Visiting the memorial made me so proud to honour the hero's everyone that gave the ultimate sacrifice and to the surviving veterans to whom I am so grateful and always will be Hero's everyone of you

Thank-you all

François Honoré

Quel lieu magnifique et émouvant !! Un très bel hommage à tous ces courageux soldats.

Bien sincèrement

Wendy McGrath

We visited with my wonderful favourite, loving uncle Frank Richards in mind. He died a few weeks ago aged 99. He was on the isle of wight 6th June 1944 .and went to France and the beaches on 7th. He was chef to officers i think with Staffordshire's.. He was so brave .Told wonderful stories of his war exploits. What a wonderful place the memorial is . Absolutely beautiful. So peaceful. Love the wild flowers. We saw yellow and blue butterflies I've never seen before. Truly peace. Thankyou Harry and all for raising fund to remember Frank's fallen brothers. We sat on Harry's bench. Harry well done you🥰 we will never forget Frank and his comrades. What a pleasure to meet Manager Sasha and appreciate time you spent talking with us Sacha. I donated few pounds in Franks memory. He would have loved to see the memorial. Maybe Hes looking down Xxxx

Craig Maloney

I have just returned from a trip to Normandy with my Father Stephen (68) and Son James (12). The main purpose of the visit was to pay respect to my Great Uncle Frank Owens in Bayeux War Cemetery, who lost his life on Gold Beach on 6 June 1944.

We then visited the British Normandy Memorial which is a long overdue, but fitting memorial to all of those brave young soldiers that made the ultimate sacrifice to give us our freedom.

Thank you to everyone involved in planning and building this wonderful memorial that will allow generation after generation to pay their respects.

They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them

Marilyn Morris (Wetton)

We have just returned from what may be our last visit to the St Charles de Percy Cemetery, where my father, Ernest Wetton rests, (KSLI, died 3rd August 1944). It is just 20 years since we brought my mother’s ashes to be interred nearby, “Together at Last”.
A memorable journey, made more so by our visit to the beautiful Memorial, overlooking the beaches. What a wonderful place, thank you to everyone who made it happen.


This is the third visit to the Memorial, the first being a year ago to the day on Rememberance Sunday last year, this year my wife and I attended the Rememberance Service held at the Memorial a very moving ceremony we walked along the pillars each of us who were there reading a name from a pillar - they are not forgotten - A magnificent Memorial a real tribute to those brave men who gave their young lives for the freedom we enjoy today - ‘Their glory shall not be blotted out’