Prime Minister & French President to attend 6th June inauguration

The Élysée Palace and Downing Street have confirmed both the French President & Prime Minister will attend the inauguration of the British Normandy Memorial on 6th June, the 75th anniversary of D-Day.

The ceremony, including the unveiling of the D-Day Sculpture by David Williams-Ellis, will be held at the site in Ver-sur-Mer.

The event, overlooking Gold Beach, will be broadcast live by UK and world media.

The French authorities have stressed security will be tight and attendance at the ceremony will be by invitation.

The Memorial will record the names of those under British Command that lost their lives in Normandy between the D-Day landings and 31 August 1944.

In the last few days preparations for 6th June continued with the foundations laid for the installation of the plinth and Sculpture and thick vegetation cleared opening up the view across to the blocks of the Mulberry Harbour off Arromanches.

The view at sunset, with Arromanches and Gold Beach visible and construction work in the foreground.


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