Meet Norman D. Mouse

Meet Norman: our undoubtedly smallest visitor to the Memorial since its opening earlier this year.

Norman was clearly moved by the stories of the brave servicemen and women that he read about on the Memorial App, as he strolled amongst the 160 columns baring their names.

In fact, Norman was so inspired by these valiant heroes that he decided to perform an act of daring to honour their memory. So, our plucky Norman made a gravity-defying climb to the top of the flagpole where he could take in the panoramic view of the Memorial in its Union Jack formation.

Overcome with emotion and exhaustion he decided to find somewhere to rest.

He was delighted to discover a ‘little house’ halfway down the flagpole

He quite impressively managed to make his way into the little box where he settled for a nap.

Upon waking he considered the rest of his journey and felt that a little snack would give him the energy he needed for the return trip.

Lo and behold Norman discovered that his little house had lots of lovely brightly coloured wires. ‘Perfect’ …he thought, he could have a nibble, get an ever-ready battery boost, and sharpen his teeth at the same time which would impress the ladies no end!

Norman got a little carried away with the wires but was soon flying back down the flagpole a very happy mouse indeed, recognising his good fortune that as a local he could visit the Memorial many times over.

In the meantime, back in London HQ the CCTV security camera feed of the Memorial had inexplicably gone down! We were concerned that our CCTV cameras generously sponsored by our Guardians, whose monthly support help us to protect and maintain the Memorial, had encountered a serious malfunction.

Following a series of investigations, we finally located the problem …in the ‘little house’ on the flagpole where the CCTV camera is located.

On a subsequent trip to fix the wiring we happened to make our acquaintance with Norman who had returned for another visit.

Norman was so ashamed that his behaviour had caused such concern and expense for the Trust. He desperately wished to make amends. Being a rather cute little chap, we suggested that perhaps he could do a bit of PR on behalf of the Trust.

He readily agreed, posed sweetly by the new wires and he is now making a personal appeal for more Guardians to join the Trust to help protect and maintain the Memorial.

If you would like to help assuage Norman’s guilt and become a Guardian, please click here for more details.

The first 3 people who sign up as a Guardian with a gift of £10 per month and contact Julie.Verne@normandymemorialtrust.org as soon as you’ve signed up with the reference ‘Norman D. Mouse’ will also receive a complimentary British Normandy Memorial Cap!


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