Remembering Normandy Veteran Patron George Batts



Normandy Veteran Patron, George Batts, passed away on Monday 7 November, at the age of 97. His funeral took place on Monday 12 December at St Margaret of Antioch Church, Barming. The recording of the live stream is available to watch HERE. The password is !J0Cz8@+.

The family kindly requests that donations dedicated to George’s memory be made via this link. All donations will go to the Normandy Memorial Trust for the future Education Centre project. Over £2,000 has already been raised and we extend sincere thanks to George’s daughter Linda and family for their ongoing generous support of the Trust.

George’s funeral was led by Rector, Rev’d Wil North. We share an excerpt of his moving words below:

“George has certainly left a legacy….

A legacy of what he did in the war, a legacy of what he did for fallen comrades, a legacy of a truth that he has spoken into the hearts of so many children in the Maidstone area. George may be gone from our sight, but his work, his legacy, his words, live on.”


George was an 18-year-old Sapper when he landed on Gold Beach on the morning of 6 June. Tasked with clearing mines and booby traps he survived the horrors of the beaches and went on to campaign for a defining monument to commemorate his fallen comrades. Finally, in October 2021, he visited the completed British Normandy Memorial for what would be his first and only time.

George touched so many lives with his unwavering dedication to remembrance and efforts to ensure future generations would never forget the ultimate sacrifice his comrades made all those years ago.

His daughter Linda Barbour, said: “I couldn’t be prouder of my Dad and his achievement in realising the Memorial which will keep alive the memory of all the veterans and their fallen comrades.”

George’s legacy will live on forevermore thanks to his extraordinary work in helping to turn his long-held dream into a reality.


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