D-Day 80: Volunteer for 'Standing with Giants' Project

A total of 1,475 silhouettes by ‘Standing with Giants’ will appear in Spring 2024 at the British Normandy Memorial in Ver-sur-Mer, representing the number of fatalities under British command on 6 June 1944.

This art installation will be part of D-Day 80 commemorations at the Memorial and will be available to visit throughout Summer next year.
Standing with Giants is a community project, set up in 2019 by Oxfordshire community artist, Dan Barton, and a group of local volunteers. They create large scale art installations using recycled building materials and provide meaningful spaces for people to visit and reflect.

Throughout February 2024, family and organisation groups are invited to take part in preparing the silhouettes in the Oxfordshire workshop ahead of the installation in Normandy, due to take place in early April. 

For more information and to contact the Standing with Giants team to book a session at the workshop visit: https://www.standingwithgiants.co.uk/normandy-80


Credit: Jules And Bean Photography


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