D-Day 78: Photo Gallery

For the first time since the Memorial opened under Covid restrictions on 6 June 2021, Veterans, families of the fallen and the general public were able to mark the annual D-Day anniversary at the British Normandy Memorial.


Retired Wing Commander Steve Dean (right), Project Manager for the British Normandy Memorial, and Myles Hunt (left) Head Gardener at the Memorial raise the Union Flag at sunrise, just as the first troops would have landed 78 years ago.



Retired Wing Commander Steve Dean, walks to lay a wreath to mark the anniversary.



Head Gardener Myles Hunt prepares the Memorial for today’s anniversary commemorations.

Groundsmen Myles Hunt and Matthieu Chevrier prepare the Memorial.


D-Day Veteran and Trust Ambassador Joe Cattini alongside our Honorary President, Lord Peter Ricketts being interviewed by BBC Breakfast ahead of the Morning Service at the Memorial.



The Band of the Yorkshire Regiment plays during the morning service at the Memorial.



A standard bearer stands against the Remembrance Wall at the Memorial. 



Spitfire of the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight flies across the Normandy coastline.

Cpl Dave Nevatte, a Bugler, with the band of Her Majesty’s Royal Marines in Portsmouth (Royal Band), stands at the Memorial.


D-Day Veteran Joe Cattini, aged 99, pays his respects.




British Ambassador to France, Menna Rawlings, meets D-Day Veteran Joe Cattini.


Visitors and Veterans hold a minute of silence at the start of a concert. Picture features D-Day Veteran, Joe Cattini, Chairman of the Trust, Lord Richard Dannatt, and Founding Trustee, Nicholas Witchell.

The Band of the Yorkshire Regiment


The Jedburgh Pipe Band played alongside The Band of the Yorkshire Regiment.


Veterans, families of the fallen and members of the public gather for the evening concert.


Joe Cattini and fellow Normandy Veterans sing along during the concert.


Normandy Veteran Ken Hay searches for the name of his comrade, who was killed in fighting for Hill 112.


D-Day Veteran Jack Quinn attended the evening concert.


101-year-old D-Day Veteran Donald Howkins visited the Memorial with his son Alan and met with Chairman of the Trust Lord Dannatt and Founding Trustee Nicholas Witchell.


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