British Normandy Memorial Commemorative Postal Covers

St John’s Catholic Comprehensive School, in Gravesend, Kent, has been working closely with Buckingham Covers to create a set of six signed postal covers in commemoration of the British Normandy Memorial opening at Ver-sur-Mer.

The six postal covers feature six veterans: British Normandy Memorial Veteran Patron George Batts, Leg d’Hon; Joe Cattini, Leg d’Hon; Reg Charles, Leg d’Hon; Ted Hunt, Leg d’Hon; Don Hunter, Leg d’Hon; and David Woodrow, Leg d’Hon.

The school’s History Society came up with the idea and concept, as well as providing the images of the Veterans and the biographies that accompany each cover. On the reverse side is information on the Memorial. The covers also include a London SW1 postmark (6th June, 2021).

The complete set of six covers can now be pre-ordered from Buckingham Covers.

Images show George Batts, a frequent visitor to the St John’s Catholic Comprehensive school, signing his covers.

Proceeds from sales will go to the Normandy Memorial Trust.


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