Bookkeepers raise more than £10,000 for Memorial Education Centre

The International Association of Bookkeepers (IAB) has raised more than £10,000 towards the Memorial’s future Education Centre.

The team cycled from Veteran Patron George’s Batts’ home in Kent to the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire – around 200 miles!

Sarah Palmer, IAB Director said:

“George is a dear friend and a truly inspirational gentleman, I am truly honoured to support his cause. The bike ride was born out of my love for a challenge and credit must be given to my work colleagues and members of the IAB who fully embraced the concept and were more than willing to join the cause.

Over the four days of the cycle (200 miles and 10,000ft of elevation) all nine rides experienced tough moments but we all agreed that whatever we went thought it was nothing compared to what George experienced to give us our freedom. Again I can only thank George for the camaraderie and new friends forged over those days.

We will continue to be raising funds for the Education Centre with further promotions over the next year.”

You can still donate – www.justgiving.com/fundraising/iabcycleride

Watch the team’s success video!


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